Refreshing Your Online Presence; 3 Signs its Time for an Upgrade

Refreshing Your Online Presence; 3 Signs its Time for an Upgrade

Three signs you need to refresh your online presence: 

1. Decrease in website traffic

 If your website does not drive traffic to your sales teams, it should be redesigned. If you’re seeing traffic stagnancy, it's a good idea to reorganize and refresh. To be effective, your online presence must grow with your customer. A decrease in web traffic can result from algorithm changes, insufficient promotion, technical issues, or competitor changes. Knowing the root cause of the decrease will help you understand what areas of your online presence you must prioritize. 

2. Decrease in Engagement 

If you’re generating traffic to your website but not seeing engagement, it's time to enhance your online presence. High traffic but low engagement typically means your customer isn’t getting what they want from your website. It can be challenging to understand exactly what content your customer is looking for, but with a healthy, complete online presence, you’ll be able to understand the unique needs of your customers more effectively. When done correctly, your online presence will deepen the relationship with your customers and clue you in on their questions, desires, and needs. Not only that, but you will gain insight into the language of your customers, allowing you to align your messaging with what matters most to them. Sometimes, you are providing the correct information but in the wrong language, which doesn’t resonate with your target audience. 

3. Decrease in Conversion Rates 

A low conversion rate indicates that your visitors have not been convinced to take the intended action of the website. Or worse, there is no intended action. When adding any content to your online platforms, it is essential to ask the following: 

  • What value am I providing with this content?
  • Who specifically is this for? 
  • What is the intended outcome? 

At Aptimized, we find that the most common causes of low conversion rates are cluttered/confusing website layouts and ineffective content. Disorganization, lack of clarity, or irrelevant content makes the viewer less likely to take positive action. Your online presence should engage your intended audience, provide valuable content, convey the relevancy of your solution, and do so clearly and concisely. We take pride in helping businesses optimize their online presence; contact us here to take the next step. 

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